Wednesday, December 30, 2009

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My Brother is an Only Child's Nightmare

Happy New Year to all.

Monday, December 14, 2009

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

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For two and a half years finally live in a city 'which has an airport. And - of course - two and a half years I do not take a plane.
Patience. Looking at the city 'from the bottom. Portici a bit 'crumbling columns and peeling ocher uneven mosaic floors, an air in which we put experienced extraordinary shops and beautiful people. The omnipresence of food is felt everywhere, in a setting of luxury is hard to understand if not here, and that mixes historic charm, with its medieval towers and Renaissance palaces, to the delight of a city 'at the table as rich in social life. There is good in Bologna. Maybe with a different atmosphere, worn by the rampant degradation, but still alive and welcoming. Often, when I walk alone, come to my mind the words of a song by Almond .. "I will never walk alone the pavement of this bitter town". Sometimes the loneliness brings up the big city 'inhospitable and cruel, but sometimes can masquerade dientro a sort of refined melancholy, in which there is no' sadness but only the awareness of being alone, explorers of a great world we non-hostile. One pretends to busy, sometimes you establish a clear destination and walking briskly with his head down with the desire to go unnoticed. At times it all seems worth noting. A face, an architectural detail, the arrangement of goods in a shop window, a special light that can be slipped obliquely to illuminate a house. I fully understand the painting of Hopper, which on Monday 'I saw the exhibition at Palazzo Reale in Milan,' cause does not need to explain anything. A realism that tearing seemingly trivial little details hidden stories only hinted at, but there are alien in their fragmented '. Yet behind those poses or situations so 'insignificant there' a world that we would like ours, which escapes us as strangers, but that attracts us and makes us want to be "everything to everyone."
in Milan at La Scala was in the fateful moment before 7 December. Too bad I was outside, in the role of protester sessantottino new to me. Cosi 'fun to be almost a source of shame. Yet in the midst of these ramshackle choir, those whistles spaccatimpani those banners and soaked in rain when you are celebrating the musical culture there was really a lot of anger and concern. The lights flash in the distance of the many celebrities' stride so obvious. For the first time I was curious to know who they were for those shots, I was really sensitive to the cause of the musicians. Do not really know if the end of the year will be 'full of lights and shadows, to fortune-least-we are in Bologna the porches to shelter from the rain ...

Monday, December 7, 2009

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The judge must hear the children if you must rely

United Civil Cassation 22.238/2009.
also younger than 12 "with discernment" must be heard, unless it might lead to damage. In cases of strong conflict between parents the likely unsuccessful party will note its statement on the evaluation of this ability and give the hypothetical?

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"The winners of a competition does not have a subjective right unconditional recruitment."

State Council, Decision No. 30 November 7497:
the Administration may "Not to appoint or placing in service" due to, for example, a restructuring of staff ...

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the inclusion of foreigners in the national community is legitimate when the administration considers that the latter possesses every requirement

TAR of Lazio - No Judgement 11 771 of 26 November 2009, ruled that the Ministry of the Interior may deny citizenship to a resident for years in Italy as "the integration of foreigners in the national community is legitimate when the administration believes that it possesses every requirement likely to inserted permanently in the community, with a prognosis that would prevent the applicant can then create problems or even committing major criminal events. "

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

7 Week Hiv Test From Exposure Is It Conclusive

forward ... On the swings near the clouds

The color changes and the asphalt is covered with blood.
The dragons fighting in the graffiti.
The wasp waits, the cigarette is consumed ...
Immobility in front of the nightmare and terror.

Improvisation with Pantone.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Boat Power Stearing Problem


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Women Seeing Men With Erections

adopt the children of a couple who continue to procreate despite the precarious economic conditions? Supreme

Supreme Court Judgement No- 24 589 of 21 November 2009.
I could not even find the text of the sentence, which would be justified only in serious injury resulting in the specific situation for those children covered. On it also weighs on the dubious ground that held the couple's choice. For the title appeared on the website and in newspapers deserves a question mark.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Driving In Italy With Indian Licence

A ride in the car at 6am


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Red Wine And Dark Faeces

Deep space

A design with toys Marco as intruders. Directly drawn with the pantone on watercolor paper.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

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We are a group of citizens who for years following the concerts of the Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, proud of the success in collecting and Italy abroad and appreciate the musical talent and hard work.
It 's a pleasure to go to concerts and see each time the high quality and passion of who runs them, quality and professionalism and passion show through the often masterful and moving performances of the works. All
quality - by the way - that does not seem to be dependent by issues such as the "total hours" or in the general rules included in the contract between the teachers and the Foundation Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, but which are based on years of rigorous selection, study and dedication.

Given this wealth of our city we are ashamed of this continuous and daily trickle towards the artists - because this is - who play in the Orchestra.
There are many things that there are clear and that as citizens we have the right to know.
first question of all that we can not understand why the mayor of our city, and we respect it did not reflect this in turn great wealth for the city of Bologna is the Orchestra of the Teatro Comunale.
We know that there's a crisis-who does not know-we know that the musicians dedicate their professional life to the work that is commissioned, we also know that it demands the sacrifice on their part than a salary but is far from salaries of those who administer and direct the orchestra itself.
So we would like to know why employees are charged to the Foundation assumed financial difficulties when the musicians have nothing to do (now and in the past) with the management of the foundation, with the management of resources and with the choices in the expenditure, in investment and same direction. The teachers are simply conducting the employees who are evaluated based on the quality of performance and artistic achievement, and this can only be called or made the object of evaluation.
So we ask the city as well-but not only - to those who administer, because of the evident intention of sinking of our orchestras.
And do not you say that is not true because the facts do not speak without words: the truth about - frankly, a little questionable - it seems to us the sight of all: cancel a contract or a commitment made for the payment of premiums, which are part of the contract or cancel a agreement with a program of concerts already planned and continually discredit members of the orchestra, which can do very little with regard to management decisions and planning, it also means, if not first, you want to create misinformation, confusion and alienation of citizens.

And then, as now used like this, we allow our Mayor, Councillor Sita, the superintendent Tutino, modest to ask these 10 questions, hoping to receive a response not so much about it but due to us, and above all, because due to the city, thousands of citizens who love this orchestra and they ask, even in the silence of the corridors at the end of the concerts as they watch the musicians or the exit of the theater that communicate their discomfort, to make the project more clear that this Administration and the Foundation have

To understand, what you want to do a public good so valuable?

THE 10 QUESTIONS 1) Why is the Superintendent, invoking a spirit of austerity, decided to reduce the wages of all employees, through a mechanism that releases him from this reduction and management of the Theatre?

2) Why the Superintendent chose to program an opera season, in a time of serious economic difficulties, made exclusively of new products, even if in collaboration with other foundations? And why were not used and appreciated the previous productions?

3) The funds which go to the Municipal Theatre Foundation, (state funds, regional funds, private funds) that have suffered decline, if they have suffered over the last five years?

4) Why is the Superintendent continues to refer, in speaking of the salary of the professors of the orchestra, the cost of doing business, not even just the gross actually received, increasing by about one third the perception that the average reader of a newspaper can have the same teachers' salaries of orchestra?

5) Why was interrupted by the Foundation of did prevent the activity, the agreement with an association (the orchestra of the Teatro Comunale Bologna) who, without a contribution of € based sull'associazionismo public institutions and about 1800 people, producing culture throughout the city?

6) Why did the President of the Foundation is so diligent in closing the business of a private association - which the above named Philharmonic - which, by convention speakers to the door of the theater on 3% of their revenue, at a time which claims a lack of funds available to the Foundation?

7) How is it supposed to judge the competitiveness of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna is a body such as the Board of the Foundation within which sits the President of the Bologna Festival that takes place - this is - competitive activity to the activity of the symphonic season of the Teatro Comunale?

8) How come the new season by resorting to the use of numerous artists from the School of the Opera "without this being in any way stated in the general program, selling facto performances are not up to a large theater with the history of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna and without all the spectators are aware of it when choosing?

9) What are the costs of the "School Work" supported by the Foundation?

10) How funds are used, particularly as affected by decisions on the composition, the programming choices, the office can, in organizing the activities of the Orchestra (concerts, operas, etc.). And the balance of the Foundation?

For those who wish to join in this appeal:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

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-section. I, Judgement of November 4, 2009, No 23411 Parma

It reaffirms the principle of mandatory child support natural
consistent with the equalization of treatment due respect to legitimate children, wanted by the Constitution. The novelty of this ruling, the case law with respect to legitimacy, is that it claims as the rule is that of maintaining direct from each parent (being the only possible estimate of the check and balancing).

Friday, November 6, 2009

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Quotient Launches family

an improvement over the "weighting" of the family already arising from the ISEE .... What do you think?

Monday, November 2, 2009

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Wonder and tremors

"Noriko, Japan, he learned Italian. Tortelli kitchen now."
From billboard that cover the station relies on two things: Noriko and 'a lucky woman,' cause the ravioli - beyond the 'pride of all - are more' good sushi. But it 's also a hard luck woman: to learn Italian and finish in Reggio Emilia and' how to be able to swim and stay in a pool. For a woman who could climb the hills of Reggio Emilia Fujiyama content to be little rewarding. I do not know many Japanese women eager to live in our country. This exception Masako, ethereal creature like a geisha and devotees' sacrificed to the cause of his favorite content. Wherever you and him singing 'this, wherever he decides to live (a house in Pesaro) you want to stay. Our meeting memorable, memorable and its ticket office to make a small place in the gallery. I do not know if Masako has ever climbed Fujiyama, but finding a ticket to listen to Juan Diego Florez and 'equally titanic undertaking, worthy of deep admiration. Certainly
and 'a time when strange matches (or more' banal coincidences, in which life is difficult to get used to) bring me in contact with the Rising Sun. Amélie Nothomb's book, "Wonder and tremors," as the author brings me to aspire to noble and legitimate dreams of grandeur, and finally crushed by the weight of events to clean the toilets in a men's room of the Assemblies of Treviso. With the same result: you can 'feel perfectly satisfied even in mediocrity' more 'obvious. Nothomb's book does, however, 'another small miracle: it causes in me an irresistible urge to write. More 'I read his stories and more' I desire to give to my space. With a superb consolation: she 's very good when talking about herself and her experiences, and it fits like a glove and to those who' always been accused of only ever look inside himself, sometimes with a magnifying glass' magnification, sometimes with a microscope.
Cosi 'every detail around me takes on a dimension of "literary", every cloud in the sky-is-for example, adjectives often associated with effect, as if he needed to be described as a special. It 'something I love and that makes me feel good: the idea of \u200b\u200blooking at things with the need' to tell me makes them seem special and worthy of special attention. It allows me to be more 'receptive, more' sensitive every little aspect. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by my feelings, 'sometimes I can control it and turn it into a number of drivers that allow me to enjoy more things. It remains open the question of whether suffering only generates more things' genius. I do not know, but I 'have a new desire. I do not want more 'readers. Constraints, criticisms or comments will no longer be 'part of my game. So 'I continue my blog after nearly 10 months of absence. Sketched with a smile on his lips.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

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unconstitutional crime of illegal immigration? Supreme Court Judgement No-

Immediately after the passage of the law, some judges began immediately apostrophe from the Government, to ask the question. Then he followed another, and also the other day one of Pordenone. Judges politicized? The reasons for referral to the Supreme Court, meanwhile, expects that to accumulate a awhile to respond, have a legal basis (art. 3,24,25,27,97 C.): they are not right or left, are sensible or not, are legally justified or not. Here are some reasons
last reference:
1) the offense affects a condition not necessarily perceived as socially dangerous
2) is retroactive, as punishing those who were already illegal before the passage of Law
3) deportation could come even with the old rules
4) the law punishes not only the illegal entry, that would have provided for a "just cause" for detention in Italy
5) does not adhere to the principle of proportionality and reasonableness (the Court in 1995 had already declared unconstitutional the act of begging; overlaps with the administrative measures of expulsion, the machine will be burdened by these judicial proceedings and distracted by other more effective against crime)

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22081 of October 16, 2009 - The judge in the custody of the child must feel, but ... Supreme Court Judgement No-

... should not be that the witness's detrimental ....
are announced battles of expertise to determine if there is this risk? We hope that the judges use their discretion well.

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22081 of October 16, 2009: Grandparents have a right to see their grandchildren, but .... Reimbursement of legal fees

not to take legal action to request a review of the visits.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sit At Computer Desk All Day

public employees

The government may reimburse the employee for legal fees incurred in defending a criminal proceedings for acts related to the performance of official duties, even if the legal agreement is made after the commencement of legal proceedings.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

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Supreme Court Judgement No-39706 of October 12, 2009

order will constitute the crime of revelation of secrecy, " the duty of confidentiality, which has forced the public official or publicly appointed , must have a law, a regulation or by the nature of news that may harm the public administration. " Law 241 \\ 90 has established the principle that ultimately everything is not secret is accessible, by requiring "the requirement of, as a key regulator the general principle of full accessibility to documents, understood this compressible only through the imposition of secrecy in the cases provided by law. "The Supreme Court then finally performs a city councilman, who had given the press the documents and information concerning the management of a house off special agreement.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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The Legislative Decree of 09.10.2009 (Brunetta)

not change the public system with rules that weaken the bargaining, give space to agreements between the institutions and local solid and, in fact reducing already meager pay increases, dall'asservimento making them dependent on the union head office or copings (efficientissimi!). The efficiency is only achieved with the alliance between workers and the public real people, not create the policy with the claims, after being among the leading causes of injury (rigged competitions, kickbacks, nepotism local, etc.etc.) And that, not Minister sa? In fact make it more difficult for non-lazy survive in public services, more and more miserable.

Monday, September 28, 2009

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Supreme Court - Decision No. 19682 / 11 September 2009

A worker who was refused the right to use the permit of 150 hours for a course, without justification, is entitled to compensation, since he lost a chance to get training higher qualification with better career opportunities.

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Guidelines for the presentation of experimental projects by associations of social promotion ...

Gays Love To Masterbaite

July 30, 2009-Supreme Court Judgement No. 34838 - September 8, 2009 Adoption Reimbursement

risk a criminal conviction that his ex-wife affects the children so that they do not want to meet her father in the days established by the court ...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

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Jonah wrong fish!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

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Dog gymnast


Monday, September 21, 2009

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One-off that will be revived and made permanent?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Circular Min.Interno - Citizenship and Marriage

will avoid marriages of convenience? Or make it more difficult to real couples get married and do it economically burdensome for those in bad faith?