Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Would Cause A Sudden Onset Of Car Sickness?

Hierro y yo

Boligrafo Bic sobre papel. Bic paper. Pen on paper.
Portrait with Hierro.

4 Tablespoons Of Sesame Seeds In Grams

in Desert Storm Riders

Pantone paper. Pantone markers on paper.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pain In Groin Week After Heart Cath

Salome 'and the chandelier

There are books which, according to the Nothomb, make us become "readers." The randomness' with which we are sometimes leaves room for interpretations curious, as if the items found us and not vice versa, as if we intended to have the lighting on the road to Damascus exclusively in Damascus and not elsewhere. For some 'time this city' langue. E ' be sad and jaded adult readers, 'cause inevitably you have to apply the words of Wilde to everything you read: "there are no ugly or beautiful books, books are well written or badly written." We do not fascinate you leave easily, but sometimes it takes comfort with a personal style and pleasant la'della smallness of the narrative. The problem, however, 'and sometimes' in ourselves. The beauty of a book, or a show, often has to deal with our experience, with the accumulation of things seen and heard during the years known, which makes us a most 'sensitive to beauty but also much more' demanding in finding new and creative. Nell'imbarbarimento general in our society 'certain messages do not possess more 'strength and lucidity' need to carve our hearts, if we are faced with a simple scratch is the most 'of the time,' already 'an extraordinary event that can' fill our minds and our spirit. Some important ecological operators do not have more 'polish and power, beyond' the beautiful packaging (The Blue Planet, Peter Greenaway), some movies seem to be the remaking of themselves (such as not finding the last embarrassing resemblance to Ken Loach Play It Again Sam by Woody Allen?). The
Salome 'Straussian view in Bologna, "snob provocation" of a superintendent who can not play it the meaning' the first I 'of the second word,' a show that draws more images of our memory, much like a strong visual impact, but that on balance can scratch our indifference. A beautiful red curtain vertical omen too suggestive of bloodshed, faces a similarly red stage, ready to shatter on the actions of the protagonists, the story rips us, the text of Wilde and 'unique voices of the singers are flexible and full of expressiveness ', and if the director is not' always ready to amaze calibrated at least leaves an impression of taste and authority. Shows that when viewed in the past have left a very different impression on me soul, are now popular with more 'despite lukewarm enthusiasm continue to be the best things around. I shudder at the words of Caramel Well, that devoured by ennui of contemporary theater is let 'slip that the thing most viewers for a' nice to see in the room was the huge crystal chandelier on the ceiling. We hope to continue to keep their gaze to the stage ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Many Calories In Hallal Food

three judgments of the Supreme Administrative Court and the child fought

sentence no 26587 of December 17, 2009
loses the right to the custody shared who does not pay maintenance for their children.
ruling of December 18, 2009
not always a crime to use force to see a child is denied.
ruling of January 12, 2010
not a crime to blow up the meetings with the child's father for health reasons . Tar Lazio

The non-custodial parent has access to instruments of social services despite the warning of the former.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

You Want My Smelly Nylon

New Year ....

Between the end of the year and today, besides the Finance Act, there were a number of important judgments which have enshrined:
1) which is a crime to carry heavy tasks to the worker not suitable (Cass. No. 47085);
2) He made extortion that an employer who threatened to sack employees if they had not agreed to have a monthly salary less than that agreed (Cass.n. 48,868) ;
3) that the co.co.co. can not ask to be hired as an employee if the hierarchical power and leadership can be explained in simple guidelines general rather than specific orders, repeated and intrinsically related to work performance, that characterize the employee (Cass. No 26986) ;
4) The Lazio Regional Administrative Court (Case No. 13464) Instead it is divided into negative, with a questionable decision, perhaps even favored by lawyers who have failed to defend their rights. Despite the law establishing the commission specifically exempted from the competition of trade unionists, the administrative justice of the Lazio gave wrong to an employee: the Tar argues that the only two facts are challenged by an unsuccessful candidate of the union representative was not chosen for professional merits or that his activities "could interfere" with the entity that issued the competition. Not only that, a further substantial injustice has been done, that when a worker was also told that "the candidates" legitimately "disabled can not challenge the list "for non-exclusion" of another competitor for his ouster, "he could not get any real benefit.