Thursday, February 18, 2010

How To Find A Pokemon Metal Tazo

Aristocracy feline

writing, you know, and 'a great help for lazy memories: memories need to catalog, to fix indelibly in our minds, to make them immortal.
Sometimes things touch us with a velocity 'difficult to control, through the writing we understand them better, and thus to understand ourselves better. It 's not a case, the proliferation of blogs like these new "diaries" personal claim strongly the need to tell and express a part of' barely visible. The dizzying charm But the words stop 'wherever it appears - irreparable - the limit of their capacity' of some description. If I write the word "cat," hardly the reader will 'full perception of what' the animal in question is, for me, even if it does not take away my pleasure to see him and wrote to summon his presence of mind and heart.
Giorgio Celli, "gattologo" by definition unrepentant and intransigent even tries to evade the problem by telling stories as varied as cats, which have little in common except to say - once and for all - that the absolute irreducibility 'of cats to humans and our wills' their main charm. Let me be clear: I never thought that loyalty 'to the master virtue' dog par excellence, is a weak aspect of the animal, as if his benevolence could counter with his pride and dignity '. On the contrary, I find a wonderful companion pet that can express gratitude regardless of the frequency with which we submit under your nose a bowl full of treats.
yet enigmatic and often disdainful behavior of a cat there 's something that moves inevitably the temptation to win the affection (with the sad realization that the cat will not' have never quite to his master).
Let's take a step back.
who visited in the past the Mayan ruins of Tikal, in Guatemala, has undoubtedly made the choice to stay within the archaeological or in a more 'convenient exterior. The undersigned, fascinated by the opportunity '- guaranteed by the guide - to listen to "the real sounds of the jungle," he opted for the former. The case that just the night of my bed near my bungalow to celebrate his birthday mate, filling the dark night of howling quite different. Since then, therefore, wary of the noises of the jungle that they are true or false, having become skeptical about aggression 'and fighting spirit' of certain animals, not least my cats. Most of Arthur The distinctive bold ', for example, and' to boldly face the danger bristling hairs on its back and tail, which makes it look more 'big and a little frightening. E 'expected however that this hides a deep fear reaction in which he himself has' found. What continues to irritate me profoundly, however, that 'his character in the tents of the traps. Lying on the bed and turned off the light to face the night, and 'enough to leave one foot out the blankets to stimulate in him the desire to attack and bite. Hard to know whether this is an affectionate gesture or not, and if this can still be part of his game idea. Sure enough I find myself on pollicione the signs of the sharp teeth of my beast, who does not care about some of my angry reaction.
For ten days and something 'changed. The arrival of a kitten in the house three months has created the miracle. Night-time hunting expeditions have other territories, and above all a pleasure to share feline unknown to me. And the cat 'was given by my wife as a tender, Pearl, I have added the surname: Misery. Pearl-Misery has saved my foot, but not my wallet, voracious WHAT'....


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