Saturday, March 6, 2010

What Is A Electronic Pen And Pad

Allocation of Time Banks Lazio

DETERMINATION OF THE DIRECTOR December 28, 2009, No 4442.
Regional Law No 24 December 2008 Article 31. 48 'Development of a regional network of time banks. " Allotment year 2009, beneficiaries
National Association Time Banks, City of Cori and others. Expenditure Euro 160,000.00, Chapter R31546,
financial year 2009.

copy-paste-send the link 2010 & flag_lista = 1 & series = BURL & part = 1 & extra = 0 & query = number% 3D% 27BURL1% 27 + AND + MONTH% 28data_gu% 29% 3D03 + AND + YEAR% 28data_gu% 29% 3D2010 & page = 85

Interestingly, some few municipalities and Municipality of Rome a few thousand Euros each for the projects. Citizens who provide an hour of their time in exchange for assets of other citizens. The financing, though small, what's the point?
Why volunteering costs? How does it work?


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