Sunday, August 8, 2010

Does Cm Taste Different When Pregnant

WOTAN ... or Brunhilde??

Tired of royal unlikely ? Impatience with amazing effects that distract the audience from the action of the singers? You have not yet seen the best:
will see the next edition of the Ring 'myself in the role of walchiria (anorexic? Well, not that much). While Opera Classic once again the extraordinary collaboration Metha-Fura dels Baus (for now only the gold of the Rhine, with Walchiria expected in November) I am training in trills. And remember, with amazement, so very positive that the Austrian holiday in Salzburg, where the horns of the photos were captured. 7 degrees, 4 days of uninterrupted rain of the frozen cloud in front of closed shops, museums closed, semi-deserted restaurants. Yet the charm of a pleasant day, The Sound of Music. As in the film, with a projection in the closed circuit television of the hotel, popular at least as good Wolfgang. And soon, I expect Syria and Damascus .. oriental fragrance. Camels, Bedouins, crusader castles and ruins in the desert. But do not worry, I continue to create the rating for the Wagnerian repertoire ...


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