Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pokemon Ruby Red Online

The strength of sweat

Forza del Destino, Parma 08feb11

propose a small law: when you have this pool will be forced to take a shower before taking a dip in the tub? I know, water and 'icy cold, but at least it keeps the sweat off. Maybe you pretend, you put them 'with the flip-flops to slippers, lengthen the Gambetta and let your feet wet, the first one and then the other, shiver a bit ', then suddenly there it takes a wave of discomfort or even better with both hands take courage and a bit' of water and I put it on the head .. here is the same thing should happen in a gallery respectable. An agent who sniffs his armpit unrepentant and forces the music lover in the closet to get her nice shower before sitting down. Last night the invocations to Our Lady of the Angels were so that 'the public could find a physical purification as well as spiritual, as the stench and waves had taken over. Another consideration: how can 'a gallery so' demanding and attentive as the theater Parma afford a blunder not to contest a show so 'weak? As have no ears for the content of the constant fatigue, inadequate soprano, orchestra and the weakness of his first svogliatissime parts? Mr. Gelmetti, who directs how it can 'do, he inserted a picture in his score at the beginning of each act. In the first task of a baby with a bright sweater. Child or grandchild that is, puts in a good mood to know that at least the director has good intentions (unless it is a cornet lucky to combat the well-known halo surrounding the disaster site). There can, what you hear and above all that we see really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I know, I will contest 'that the voice has priority' on the gesture, singing and stage action, but rarely happens to attend such events' gloomy and funereal in which the choreography (costumes stolen from the Addams family, complete with black fringes dangling from the sleeves) are nothing short of embarrassing. Mr. Poda has probably seen some recent performances by Daniele Abbado (broken walls that reunite, build backdrops, and whose harshness' create spectacular effects most important) but she assumed the worst sides. His show in black and white and 'ugly beyond measure, with no chance' of appeal, and sinks into a cupaggine from which emerges is certainly not due to some golden light. The Virgin of the Angels seem to be sung in a black mass, and perhaps begin to suspect that the disaster icombente to exorcise the "Force" it really is. Gallery of the world, do not be diverted by the desire to stay in the theater, listening to Verdi, to pretend that your favorite singers have the polish of ten or twenty years ago: be objective, destroy, emphasized the good things and things bad, make your voice heard without fear. With a little 'more' of deodorant, for charity '.


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